A new milestone & more

With the sun shining; today was a great day but not just because of the fantastic weather we are experiencing.  Today we reached a new milestone in the conversion of the bus; the engine heating unit for the upper saloon was removed with the aid of Chris Brown over the weekend and finally the last of the old flooring is now gone.

X435FGP Upper deck completely stripped out

This means that with the upper saloon completely gutted I can now move on to some electrical work and most of all to give the entire area a deep clean to get rid of over 23 years of grime and dirt and no those are the shadows of the former seats on the walls, that is the dirt left behind.

But thats not all for today; the team at The Sign Centre in Inverness turned up and have installed our new shelter signage, bus signage and of course our bus stop sign.

Affric Bar ''Bus Stop'' Sign X435FGP Side panel signs Shelter signage

It really is exciting times at the moment with so much new stuff going on, if you havent already drop in for a pint, a coffee, a glass of wine or whatever is your tipple of choice and join the fun at the ”Affric Bar”